Saturday, February 21, 2009

Titibhasana, Firefly: Hand Balancing and Float Through Vinyasa

This is a video of me doing Titibhasana, Firefly pose. You can see decent form in the hand balance and then float through the vinyasa.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Chakravakasana: Releasing Tension from the Neck, Shoulders, Upper Back, Mid Back, Lower Back, HIps and Knees

These movements are often called Cat/Cow. I like the name Desikachar uses for the movement a little better. Chakravakasana refers to a mythical bird that is puffing up its chest. I think this gets at the essence of the back bend better than the image of a rickety cow whose back is swayed so that its belly is falling towards the floor. Instead, if you think of the expansion of the chest and keep the neck and lower back long, using the core strength to stabilize those areas, ultimately you are going to be better off.

When done in a way that is useful to the practitioner, this pose can release tension from the neck, shoulders, upper back, mid back, lower back, hips and knees. Not too shabby for a movement that is so easy and simple.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

A Series Sun Salutation

I made a new version of A Series and this one is different enough that I figured I would put this in as a new post but I am pulling the old post so there is only one A Series Sun Salutation video.

In this video one of the things to take note of is the quality of the movement from one pose to the next. There is a quality of relaxedness and strength, fluidity and control without any of the movements being rushed. The movements are all coordinated with the breathing. The breath is full, deep, even and relaxed.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

B Series Sun Salutation with Handstand Slipped In

So this is simply a B Series Sun Salutation, Surya Namaskar B, with a Handstand slipped into the sequence.

Hugging One Knee In At A Time: Releasing Tension From Hips and Lower Back

This is a video of a gentle Vinyasa that is deceptively effective. I find it interesting how these simple repetitive movements are much more powerful than one might think from simply watching. Because you are moving in a relaxed and controlled manner they remove tension from your joints in an extremely effective way. This movement actually helps to relax and release tension from the neck, shoulders and upper back while expanding the chest and ribcage, and it also removes tension from the knees, hips and lower back.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Balancing Half Moon and Bird of Paradise in Sequence

This is a sequence with Balancing Half Moon and Bird of Paradise. One of the nice things in this sequence is seeing a way of coming into Ardha Chandrasana slowly--balancing and floating your way into the pose.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

B Series Sun Salutation

So I think I am getting the hang of the editing side of this process better and better each time. This is a B Series Sun Salutation. Things to note about this video: It is a little longer than the others. I think it is worth showing good form in a B Series Sun Salutation. The movement is slow, not rushed. I am moving with my breath. The movements are powerful but not forceful. They are relaxed. And my head, neck and upper back alignment is always really good. My neck is never tightening up, particularly on the back bends where I am looking up. So I am not creating unwanted stress in those important areas while I am moving. I guess the last thing is that my alignment in each of the poses is pretty solid and part of that is due to the fact that my alignment while I am moving is pretty good. It is really important to have good alignment while moving from one pose to the next. That is really one of the keys to arriving in a pose with good alignment. I hope you enjoy this.