Saturday, June 02, 2007

Bharadvajasana, A Twist that Opens Your Hips and Releases Tension in Your Neck and Shoulders As Well

This pose is unique in how it opens the hips in both internal and external rotation at the same time because of the leg positioning. Because of the bind it opens the shoulders in a nice way. And, because the head and neck are turning in the opposite direction from the rest of the body the neck, shoulders and upper back get a stretch in a unique way that is hard to find. It is not often that the spine below the shoulders is turing in one direction while, above the shoulders, it turns in the opposite direction. This pose can release tension in the neck, shoulders and upper back while releasing tension in the hips and lower back at the same time.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Core Strengthening with Pelvic Opening

I am going to let these pictures stand for themselves. The main thing to make these more powerful for the core is to try and scoop your abdomen inward as you are balancing. It really feels good to my body to do postures that release tension in the pelvic structure and work the core at the same time.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Ankle to Knee Pose: A Seated Hip Opening Pose to Stretch from the Outer Hip into the Lower Back

These poses are powerful for opening from the outer hips into the lower back. For most people, these ankle to knee variations are a little more intense than the Cow Faced variations from the previous post. If the postures are applied in a way that is appropriate for the practitioner they can help reduce tension from the hips to the back and which can help the heath of your spine.

However, with ankle to knee particularly, you need to be careful that the knee does not have unwanted stress on it. You are using the knee as a fulcrum to rotate the hip and, even if it seems that you have good alignment, if you go too far you can stress your knee and over time this could lead to damage. You want your knees in a position as close to a 90-degree angle as possible and your shins as close to parallel to each other as possible in all the variations. If the knee is bent farther than 90-degrees it is easier to damage the cartilage in the knee (the cartilage in the knee is called meniscus or menisci: singular=meniscus, plural=menisci). Therefore, when you are trying to open the outer hip it is worth proceeding with caution. If you were doing a posture like Lotus pose which requires a deeper than 90-degree bend in the knee your hips should be open enough so that it is not an intense hip stretch in order for it to be safe.


In this first variation the feet are under the knees, which helps protect the knees and makes the depth of the rotation gentle. If this one feels deep enough this is the variation that should be used. If this is too deep, or if your knees cannot rest comfortably on your feet then you should do one of the variations lying on your back.


This second variation is a little deeper. The shin and foot is resting on top of the lower leg's calf. This variation should only be done if you can fully rest the top shin on the lower shin. If the top shin is not fully resting on the lower shin this one can be more dangerous to the knees than either of the other variations. This variation is deeper than the previous variation but not as deep as the next variation.


This last variation is the deepest of the three. The ankle has come across to the outside of the knee and is not touching the leg. This one can be practiced safely even if the top shin does not rest on the lower shin. However, if the top shin is more than an inch or two above the lower shin, you should not fold forward. Instead you should stay upright and hold the pose feeling the opening there. You should only fold forward in this posture if the top shin is either resting on the bottom shin or close enough to it so that when you fold it does rest on the bottom shin. This pose should also not feel too intense and if you feel the stretch is too intense or that there is stress in the knees you need to back up to one of the previous variations or one of the variations lying on your back.

Go to: Reclining Hip Opening Postures to Reduce Stress in the Outer Hips and Lower Back
Go to: Cow Faced Pose: Gomukhasana: A Seated Hip Opening Pose to Reduce Tension in the Outer Hip and Lower Back

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Cow Faced Pose: Gomukhasana: A Seated Hip Opening Pose to Reduce Tension in the Outer Hip and Lower Back

If this pose is adapted in a way that is appropriate for the practitioner, it can be effectively used to help reduce tension in the outer hip and lower back. You want to make sure that the pose is not too intense on the hips and that the knees do not feel tension as you progress your way into the posture.


In the first picture I am setting up the leg position. If this is as far as you go, then this might be enough opening for your body.


In this second picture I am starting to move the feet away from each other so that the opening in the hips is a little deeper. As you are doing this, when your body tells you that you should not bring your feet farther away from each other that would be far enough, and then you could fold if folding feels okay for you.


In this third photo the feet have gone out just about as far as they can so my knees are stacked one on top of the other. The closer the bend in my knee is to a 90-degree angle, so that my shins go straight out to the sides, the deeper the opening in my hips will be.


In this forth photo I am folding forward. This makes it so I can get the opening from my outer hips into my lower back. The release feels great. If you hold a lot of tension in your outer hips and lower back this is a great way to help reduce that tension and get your lower back to begin to relax. However, when you fold, you should only go as far as your body tells you is okay so that you remain safe. There is no place to get to. The release in the pose should be comfortable and enjoyable, not overdone.

Go to: Reclining Hip Opening Postures to Reduce Stress in the Outer Hips and Lower Back
Go to: Ankle to Knee Pose: A Seated Hip Opening Pose to Stretch from the Outer Hip into the Lower Back