Upside Down - An Inversion Workshop
Coming up on Saturday June 12th I am teaching an inversion workshop. If you are interested the information is below. I am excited about it and it should be a lot of fun.
Carl Horowitz
Upside Down - An Inversion Workshop
Saturday June 12th,
$25, 5:30-7:30pm
with Carl Horowitz
@ Finding Sukha Yoga School
638 East 6th Street 3rd Floor
A practice focused on strengthening and lengthening the core for inversions. Headstand, forearm stand and handstand require strength and the ability to lengthen from a powerful core in order to balance over a stable base. This workshop will explore ways of developing these qualities to enhance a feeling of float in jumps and steadiness and control in a number of inverted variations. This practice is recommended for anyone who wants to improve their ability to perform inversions.
Carl Horowitz is a New York City yoga teacher who is most interested in revealing effective ways for individuals to personalize their practice. His work is influenced by the teaching of T. Krishnamacharya and his son T. K. V. Desikachar. It is based on the principle that there is an appropriate yoga practice for everyone and, in order to achieve the best results, this practice must be adapted continually to suit the individual’s changing needs.
Carl performed for Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey Circus for two years and has a wealth of knowledge on how to access the full potential of your body’s ability to move. In his work he also draws on his knowledge of anatomy, movement theory and therapeutic applications of movement.

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