Jumping Forward into Crow Broken Down in Stages
This is a video that breaks down the process of jumping forward into Crow Pose into a few stages giving the practitioner a few techniques to practice that would help develop the skill of floating forward and placing the knees on the arms. I have seen people teach how to jump so that you stay low and aim the knees at the arms and get them to land. In my opinion it would be more valuable to work on developing the skill of holding your weight, balanced over the arms, floating, hovering above the arms, and placing the knees softly onto the arms with control. Even if you never are able to do this, I think it would be more valuable to work on the techniques that would help you develop that core strength than to learn how to simply jump the knees at the arms.
Nice description. I'm in about the same place as you in this asana variation it seems. I agree with the idea of using control to enter, the control carries over to many other floating/jumping variations. Nice too hear it as your personal experience, people can describe things but then you have to try it with your body and your body will tell you, hopefully!
12:59 AM, June 17, 2010
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