A Quote from A Path With Heart
I like this quote. It points to the idea that we can use other peoples teachings and techniques, we can learn from someone else's process but in the end we need to do the work for ourselves, to feel and experience things for ourselves.
This is from A Path With Heart by Jack Kornfield p. 158.
Initially, in our enthusiasm for our practice, we tend to take everything we hear or read as the gospel truth. This attitude often becomes even stronger when we join a community, follow a teacher, undertake a disciple. Yet all of the teachings of books, maps, and beliefs have little to do with wisdom or compassion. At best they are a signpost, a finger pointing at the moon, or the leftover dialogue from a time when someone received some true spiritual nourishment. To make spiritual practice come alive, we must discover within ourselves our own way to become conscious, to live a life of the spirit.
good stuff, i have not read the book yet. i enjoy his talks from Dharmaseed.com
10:34 PM, March 05, 2009
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