Aerial Yoga with Michelle Dortignac
This is something cool. If you have not heard about this, this is a friend of mine who is a great yoga teacher, who is teaching something called aerial yoga; yoga on aerial apparatuses. It sounds like it would be an awful lot of fun. If you want more information Michelle’s web-site for aerial yoga is:
Below is a copy of the most recent news letter.
Classes are held on:
4:30 – 6 pm
at the S.L.A.M. studio:
51 North 1st Street
Williamsburg, Brooklyn
The trees are all in bloom, and with it being light out later now, my mind is turning toward summer. I’m eagerly awaiting warm days, less clothing, and more skin showing. Hmmm. Anyone up for the gym?
Just kidding! Don’t go to the gym, come to Aerial Yoga classes instead. You’ll still get a great work-out, but have much more fun.
This week, Saturday, April 8, we’ll explore standing forward bend, two backbend variations, and a seated twist/hip stretch. Or, for those of you who speak Sanskrit, we’ll explore Uttanasana, Ustrasana, Urdva Dhanurasana, and Garudasana.
If you’re wondering what you missed last week, we kept the trapeze real low to explore the possibilities of what parts of the body we could hang off of. Using the floor for some support, we tried all the usual suspects plus some newbies like the tops of the feet, the heels and the elbows.
Only two more weeks of the Saturday afternoon classes before we switch to Sunday mornings. So, don’t delay. Come Enlighten Up!
- Michelle
A blog with in depth information about the practice of Yoga by New York City Yoga teacher, Carl Horowitz. This is a yoga blog. If you are interested in yoga or some of the more therapeutic aspects of practice, then this blog will contain interesting and useful information.
You can also visit this site for more information about therapeutic yoga and Yoga in New York with Carl Horowitz.
Here you can find out more about the background of New York City Yoga Teacher, Carl Horowitz.