Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Three Upcoming Events

This is to get the word out about three upcoming events that I am excited about. All three of them should be a wealth of information and great learning opportunities.



Starting in October, first date: Tuesday October 3rd

Tuesdays from 11:00AM-1:30PM, Advanced Concepts in Adapting Practice with Carl Horowitz

This ongoing seminar includes lecture, discussion and practice revolving around different issues of adapting a practice to the current needs of a group or individual. This work would help a practitioner learn to adapt a practice to his or her own current needs whether in a group or on his or her own. It would also be relevant to a teachers learning to work with all types of practitioners. This in depth and experiential information would help teachers leading practices more effectively help their students to find a variety of different methods and techniques to use for any posture to enable to practitioner to obtain the benefits of the postures, the breathing techniques and the practices while staying safe and increasing their abilities in practice.

Some of the topics to be covered will include:

Concepts in Sequencing of Postures
Adapting the postures to the needs of the practitioner
Reading the body for therapeutic applications
Use of different breathing techniques
Use of sound in asana
Use of different visualization techniques in asana
Changing your focal point in a posture
Aspects of a multidimentional practice, seeing how certain ways of working will effect different levels of your being: physical, energetic and emotional levels of the system as well as the intellect and the personality are all at play
Understanding Context for techniques, methods of performing postures and practice

Cost: $40 per class
$190 for 5 classes
$350 for 10 classes
Special Discount for members of BREATHING PROJECT: $35 to drop in
$170 for 5 classes
$320 for 10 classes

The Breathing Project, 15 West 26th Street, near Broadway, 10th Floor
For more info contact: Jen Harris at
212-979-9642 x4


Hot and Tapas Sequence In Depth Immersions In Two Segments with Carl Horowitz

In these seminars you will learn the deeper aspects of the Hot and Tapas Sequences, how the poses fit together, the logic and order of the postures, in depth tips on alignment for the poses as they are practiced in the Hot and Tapas Sequences and ways of adapting the postures to your specific needs. The sequences will be gone over in workshop format where there will be an opportunity to take a deeper look at each of the poses and places to examine parts of the practice in depth over the course of the two segments. This would be great work for anyone who wanted to deepen their understanding of how the Hot and Tapas Sequences work and how you could get the most out of your practice. It is especially recommended for anyone who is thinking that they might eventually want to learn to teach the Hot and Tapas Sequences and could be thought of as an introduction to the level of learning that happens in a teacher-training program.

Hot Sequence: Segment One: Sunday, September 10th 6:45-9:15PM: Sequencing and how the postures form a cohesive whole.

Hot Sequence: Segment Two: Sunday, September 17th 6:45-9:15PM: Alignment of the postures and adapting to individual needs.

Tapas Sequence: Segment One: Sunday, September 24th 6:45-9:15PM: Sequencing and how the postures form a cohesive whole.

Tapas Sequence: Segment Two: Sunday, October 1st 6:45-9:15PM: Alignment of the postures and adapting to individual needs.

People can sign up for individual sessions but these sessions are designed to go together and a practitioner will get the most value from attending both sessions.

Space is limited so sign up now.

$45.00 in advance $50.00 at the door.
New York Yoga "Hot. 132 E. 85th Street, at Lexington Ave, Second Floor. Contact 212-717-9642 for more information or to sign up.


New York Yoga’s Fall Teacher Training Led by Nixa DeBillis, Michael Gilbert and Carl Horowitz. Starts October 7th and goes till December 10th, Saturdays and Sundays. Thanksgiving weekend is off.

This is a comprehensive 200 hour Vinyasa Teacher Training. Ford details call 212-717-9642.
