Turning Downdog Split Upside Down into Full Wheel
This is a video that shows two versions of turning Downward Facing Dog over. In the first version I go part way over and do not take both hands to the floor. In this pose the outer edge of one foot stays on the ground as that leg stays long and straight with the foot turned out to help lift the hips. Sometimes when people turn the pose part way over and leave that top hand off the ground they still turn their feet parallel to each other and are in a pose that is a lot like Four Legged Table, Chatur Padapitam. The pose where the leg stays turned out with the leg straight and the outer edge of the foot on the floor is much more powerful than if you turn the feet parallel to each other and have the soles of the feet on the floor without taking both hands to the floor. The second variation shows turning the pose all the way over into Full Wheel, Urdhva Dhanurasana (Which literally translates as upside down bow). In this variation you can see how the first variation, as an intermediate step is part of the process of turning the pose all the way over