A Tiny Little Blurb in Time Out New York
If you follow this link of me teaching it will bring you to a photo and this tiny little blurb about my teaching. It is towards the bottom of the page. It is also in the current issue of Time Out New York (January 8-14 2009).
You will have to follow the link to see the photo but this is what the blurb says:
New York Yoga
Vinyasa All Levels class
Photo: Beth Levendis
Vinyasa All Levels class
(1629 York Ave at 86th St; 212-717-YOGA,newyorkyoga.com. $23 plus $2 mat rental.)
So this is what yoga is all about! Yogi Carl is as calming as he is motivating, and hands-on pointers made me feel (literally) centered. His method is “mindful”—don’t overdo it and aim for balance (what you do on one side, do on the other).
I think I got called "Yogi". That makes me laugh.