Sunday, February 15, 2009

B Series Sun Salutation

So I think I am getting the hang of the editing side of this process better and better each time. This is a B Series Sun Salutation. Things to note about this video: It is a little longer than the others. I think it is worth showing good form in a B Series Sun Salutation. The movement is slow, not rushed. I am moving with my breath. The movements are powerful but not forceful. They are relaxed. And my head, neck and upper back alignment is always really good. My neck is never tightening up, particularly on the back bends where I am looking up. So I am not creating unwanted stress in those important areas while I am moving. I guess the last thing is that my alignment in each of the poses is pretty solid and part of that is due to the fact that my alignment while I am moving is pretty good. It is really important to have good alignment while moving from one pose to the next. That is really one of the keys to arriving in a pose with good alignment. I hope you enjoy this.


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