Sunday, February 22, 2009

Moving Reclining Twist Releasing Tension from Neck, Shoulders, Hips and Lower Back

Jathara Parivrrti is the Sanskrit name for the pose. This video shows a moving or dynamic version of a reclining twist. It is interesting how much moving into and out of the pose does to release tension and get you ready before holding the pose. If you just go straight into the pose and hold, the body will not release anywhere near as much tension. This rotation really does great things, especially for the lower back and hips but also for the neck shoulders and the whole spine. I am always amazed at how useful and effective some of these simpler movements are for the health of our bodies.

1 comment:

  1. This is a great release! It is amazing how some gentle moving in and out of this pose can cause a whole new dimension to the holding portion of the posture.

    Great Video series.
