Friday, January 18, 2008

Gentle Yoga at Yoga Sutra Coming in February 2008

So I am going to be teaching a Gentle Yoga class at Yoga Sutra NYC starting in February. The first class will be Monday February 4th and it will be every Monday from 10:30AM-12:00PM.

There is something very beneficial about dropping back a few notches in intensity and seeing what is going on inside. In this kind of gentle approach where the emphasis is on an internal process of listening, the kind of shifts you can make in your system are pretty profound and it is also interesting how much of those shifts and that deeper awareness you are able to bring back into your practice if and when you step things up a notch or two. Some of the deepest work I do is also some of the subtlest, but that subtle work is definitely a huge part of why I am able to do some of the more complex or physically challenging asana practice I am able to do. The more detailed work carries over into the bigger movements because you body absorbs it and your form improves, your mechanics improve, your body knows what is doing better, and that all translates into an internal process that is empowering and healing.


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