Thursday, December 29, 2005

Happy New Year 2006

It is almost 2006 and man am I wiped out. I am feeling a little like, “What happened to 2001, wait, I mean, what year is it again?” Somehow it feels like years have flow by in the course of a just a few weeks. Each day teaching is a new adventure and, probably the most beautiful thing about what I do is that no matter what, it is never the same. Different students, different day, the same student on a different day, things continually change. It is refreshing and it keeps me on my toes. Every time I think I can rely on yesterday’s information or yesterday’s routine something comes up to remind me how much trouble that can cause. It feels great to continually be forced to be open the changing circumstances of life.

Hoping your year has been a good one and that the New Year will throw you enough curve balls to keep things interesting.




Anonymous Anonymous said...

your probably wiped out because you teach so many classes!

10:53 PM, December 30, 2005

Blogger upsidedowncarl said...

you are probably right even though I taught half a schedule for the last two weeks. I am still wanting more rest.

11:03 PM, December 30, 2005


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