Quotes from Yoga Mala
I am going to do my best to simply let these quotes speak for themselves, but I could not resist a few comments. Please note that it seems Pattabhi Jois feels that without adequate instruction from a true teacher the yoga practitioner could end up doing the wrong thing and heading in the wrong direction or down the wrong path. And it seems that you could do something that looks like a yoga posture without it being a yoga posture which is clearly stated in the last quote about headstand.
“Yet simply sitting, taking in the breath, and letting it out through the nostrils is not Pranayama.” Yoga Mala p. 23.
((CH: You need the correct instructions of a true teacher. :o) ))
“Similarly, it is not good to talk too much.” Yoga Mala p. 25.
“Practicing yoga for the sake of one’s health, a firm body, or enjoyment is not the right approach.” Yoga Mala p. 26.
“Aspirants should learn the rules outlined above. They should not listen to, nor be discouraged by, the words of those who have no knowledge of yogic practice…” Yoga Mala p. 27.
“The aspirant who goes to a Guru will find that the Guru will tailor his practice to his particular bodily constitution. Yoga should never be learned from reading books or looking at pictures. It should only be learned under the guidance of a Guru who knows the yogic science and is experienced in its practice. If this is ignored, it is possible for physical and mental problems to occur.” Yoga Mala p. 28.
“The world is full of falsehood, deceit, and exploitation. A yogi has the power to correct this and to attract people of the world to the right path. It is therefore necessary to stress again the importance of practitioners of yoga keeping faith in, and showing devotion to, the yogic limbs and the Guru.” Yoga Mala p. 29.
((CH: if there is a right path there must be a wrong path. :o) ))
“If the asanas and the Surya Namaskar are to be practiced, they must be done so in accordance with the prescribed vinyasa method only.” Yoga Mala p. 30.
“Indeed, the Sun Salutations done without following the rules mentioned above are little more than exercise, and not true Surya Namaskara.” Yoga Mala p. 40.
“To learn the method for the vinyasas, rechaka and puraka, the bandhas, dhyana and for trataka [gazing] and the like, one should be certain to consult a Satguru, for it would be wrong to try and learn yoga without recourse to such a teacher. If, however, one follows the scriptural path, and brings it into practice under the guidance of a Satguru who is not only well-versed in the yoga shastra but who has brought it into practice himself, then the three-fold diseases will be destroyed, and one will live a healthy life.” Yoga Mala p. 40.
“Again, no asana should be performed without following the proper method of vinyasa. If this is ignored, the organs of the body may not develop, fat may not be reduced, and the body could grow ill. In addition, some organs may strengthen, while others become weak, or an organ that was meant to be strengthened may weaken instead. In addition, if there is no steadiness in the movements of rechaka and puraka, then the balance of the heart could be upset, which could weaken it. When this occurs, the nadis become spoiled, and when they spoil, all parts of the body are weakened. Therefore, asanas and the like (puraka, rechaka, etc.) should be practiced following the methods of vinyasa, which is best learned from a Guru experienced in yoga shastra. I consider it my earnest duty to caution the reader and aspirant not to try to learn these methods from books, reflections [photos], or pseudo-yogis.” Yoga Mala p. 65.
((CH: If you are learning "yoga" from a pseudo-yogi you are learning pseudo-yoga. :o) ))
“Aspirants should note that merely putting the head down and the legs up, and then standing upside down is not Shirshasana; very simply, this is wrong.” Yoga Mala p. 116.
"Similarly, it is not good to talk too much." Fabulous! Quiet minds could only lead to quieter mouths. Thank you, Carl, for your ongoing pursuit of yoga and sharing that with us.
6:32 PM, December 13, 2006
"Similarly, it is not good to talk too much." Fabulous! Quiet minds could only lead to quieter mouths. Thank you, Carl, for your ongoing pursuit of yoga and sharing that with us.
6:32 PM, December 13, 2006
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